
June 19, 2008

Tweet, Tweet, Tweetily Deetily Deet

Filed under: Digital Distribution, Information Supernova, Personal Branding — Robert John Ed @ 2:16 pm

So it has taken quite a long time, but I think I’m finally coming around to Twitter!

At first, the system just felt alien…like I was spying on people or something. Sounds odd because I’m fully aware that people are posting what they want to post and willingly trying to broadcast. After a month or so, the way the system works is pretty interesting. It’s basically a huge cloud of people with different knowledge posting and online at different times. At any given moment you can get great ideas and answers from people.

What’s difficult is following too many people. There are so many Twitter users that are probably very intelligent, it seems like you should follow as many people as possible. But after some time it becomes overload. I’m currently at about 60 people. The odd part is that I’ve probably met about 5 of these people in reality. I’ve followed probably 15 of these people via other publications and blogs. So the majority of these people are strangers, for now. This is a fantastic way to learn about people and what they do in small increments. Neat-o.

Still, I’d like to see some more local buds using this. So, um, do it. I think long term you’ll eventually find the value as well.

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